Monday, 30 November 2015


Every day is a new day. Every new day is an opportunity to heal,restore ourselves, our lives and our relationship to all that is.
Here is a vital practice to help restore trust.
If trust has been broken,be present for the sunset. and be thankful. And know the sun always rises the next day. Trust can be restored at every sunrise and throughout each day of our lives.
Be present for the sunrise and dawn chorus that greets us every day,and give thanks.

Thanks to Anthony William for inspiratio

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Zest for Life

                          Nature's Gifts

Sometimes,there really is no better cure for exhaustion than nature's gifts in the form of pure organic essential oils.
Most of us go way beyond our physical limitations in our lives and then wonder why we can't sleep when we need to.
What if you could be revitalised and re-energised while you sleep with the help of nature?And then be ready for anything when you wake up?
What you need is a teaspoon of almond,coconut or sesame oil as a carrier oil,and a few drops from well chosen bottles of essential oils.The aim is to create a relaxing blend for a bedtime massage,and an energising blend for when you wake up in the morning.
As an example,you could start with 2 or 3 drops each of lavender and orange blended in a dish with a teaspoon of sesame oil, and then massage your feet,shoulders and chest.This bedtime ritual in itself is very relaxing,and the plant oils will heal you as you sleep.
On waking,and after washing,showering,bathing,you can choose a massage blend of say,grapefruit and bergamot with a drop of lavender,and you're good to go!
Try it for several days and see what a difference this makes to your energy levels and mood.

NB: Make sure essential oils are safe, and out of reach of children and pets