Saturday 31 December 2016

Joyful life

As our world spins gracefully around the sun,so too does the light gradually return in the northern hemisphere. December's winter solstice is always a welcome celebration of the joy of life.
As we prepare for a new year ahead,I'm mindful of how vital it is to let our own light shine in the face of challenges.
Be the joy you wish to see in the world.
Shine on.

Monday 28 November 2016


Walking in the forest,cycling in the fresh air.Getting together with friends for coffee and pastries in a cosy cafe with comfy seating and warm lights.Gathering round a candlelit table for comfort food with friends.Suppers by the fireside with your loved ones.Comfort,cosiness and warmth.Cushions and blankets on easy chairs and sofas.Plumped up duvets with plenty of pillows. Comfort and joy with friends and family in the colder days of autumn and winter. This is the Danish concept of Hygge.
 How do you get cosy on colder days?

Thursday 29 September 2016

Breakfasts worldwide

When it comes to finding an awesome place to break their fast,aircrew are spot on. Word of mouth dictates the best diners,coffeeshops,restaurants and cafes on every stopover,especially the ones that guarantee value for money, service with a smile,a and a short hop from the hotel.
If it's not possible to revisit your favourite eatery for the time being,go recreate that awesome breakfast at home! I'm sure it's forever emblazoned on your memory!
Gather your ingredients and go for it.
Here's one of mine,from a San Francisco theatre district cafe(wish I could remember the name).
1 pint of freshly squeezed orange juice
Free range egg omelette with fresh avocado,tomato,alfalfa sprouts and Monterey Jack cheese,and hashbrowns,wholewheat toast,and a freshly percked cup of coffee,all created and served with love and good humour.
Nutritious and delicious!
What's your fave?

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Joy In Every Season

Feeling good anytime,anywhere,in any season.

Are you singing,,dancing,playing music,loving your life?
If not,begin here. Rediscover the music that feeds your soul.
Hum it,sing it,dance it out, and into the world.
Our natural world is exuberant and so are you.Listen to songbirds,feel the breeze, catch the sparkle of life.
The music is inside you,and joy begets joy.
Shine on!

Wednesday 13 July 2016


Green is the healing colour in the heart of nature,and the key to healing ourselves. Summer is green and gold by day,and blue and silver by night. Immerse yourself in lush foliage,bathe in the sunshine of summer days. Summer is long days of  warmth and light from the sun

so we can enjoy life in all its glory.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Smile Lifestyle ~

Kalia's Core Workout at the Beach

Our bodies are miracles of nature. And keeping a strong core is vital to our wellbeing.For an excellent practice to keep your core strong and balanced in any season,here is Kalia Kelmenson's wonderful video on how it's done. Wherever you are,you can always create some time and space to live your life with more strength,vitality,ease and grace.
You can visit her site at for inspiring ways to boost your energy levels and live a healthy lifestyle all year round.

Thursday 26 May 2016

The power of intention

I feel it's very important to emphasise the power of intention.
In 2 other posts,I have mentioned how setting your intention for the day sets up the quality of your day. If I forget to do this,my day can be miserable and filled with struggle. Then I remember the power of intention,and before I do anything else,I reset my day with the intention of positive and happy outcomes for myself and everyone else. Win-wins,in other words.
Today was particularly challenging until it dawned on me that I'd got out of bed "unconsciously". Towards evening,I was in a mess. Then I remembered,raised my arms in victory,and declared that the evening was going to get better and better. And it did.
It's never too late in the day to turn your life around. Let the good times roll!

In the beginning was the word,and it was good.

Sunday 22 May 2016



        Iced Water

Now that summer is here, I bought a special glass to make sure I drink more water and keep hydrated.
It works!
I love getting up early and filling my glass with sparkling water and ice. It's become a healthy morning ritual.
How about you?

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Flower power

Have you tried flower remedies for emotional freedom?
Subtle yet powerful, these essences  are available in most pharmacies,natural health stores and online.
"The earth laughs in flowers" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday 14 April 2016

Stress relief

Thalassotherapy~the medical use of seawater as a healing therapy.
If you need stress relief,and you're far from a spa,this is a simple practice you can do at home.
 Seasalt is available in most supermarkets and health food stores in the herb and spice section,usually.
This a very simple and easy way to destress and remove accumulated negative energy.And it feels so refreshing.
Many of us live far from the sea,so a revitalising dip is not an option either..However,this practice is the next best thing!
All you need is a large bowl,handhot water,a handful of seasalt, a towel and some coconut or almond oil,organic preferably. Keep it simple or you'll procrastinate.
If you're really stressed,this is wonderful at anytime,inexpensive and very effective.

Never use cheap iodised kitchen salt,as it won't have the same refreshing effect. Seasalt naturally pulls toxins and accumulated stress from the body and out through your feet. The whole process takes about 15-20 minutes,and then you can rinse and dry your feet, and moisturise them with coconut oil.
Quick,easy,relaxing, and revitalising!
And maybe this is a reminder to book a holiday at your favourite beach,or visit a spa!

Monday 14 March 2016

Rise and shine

A wonderful way to restore faith in life is to begin a new day by listening to the dawn chorus. There is something beautifully life affirming about this simple act of listening to the birds singing up a new day.
Whether you are in the city,countryside or somewhere in between,it's always possible to rise early and be present to appreciate nature's gifts.

Monday 29 February 2016


                                        Creativity v Reactivity

When people say they're bored,frustrated,sad,angry etc,it is because they not giving,for whatever reason.And are therefore in reactive mode.In other words,feeling powerless.
When we're being creative,we're giving our talents,abilities and gifts to the world,or the task at hand,whilst we are in the midst of creating products or giving to others through service.We feel generous and open-hearted when we are in the creative process.
Encounter someone who is beneath the radar of happiness,and you can be sure their creative spark has dwindled,and that they are feeling reactive.
Life is give and take.
And when we feel reactive to life/the universe/everything,then we need to take the time to fill up our cup,replenish our well,and return to a state of innocence,trust and bliss.Only then can we live joyfully.
We are all creative beings.
Find your passion and purpose,and you find yourself.
That's why meditation is so helpful,although it isn't always necessary to sit and om for 20minutes twice a day (Always works for me though!)
Meditation can be fishing,horseriding,running,sitting on the porch in a swingseat,sunbathing,surfing,baking,making a hearty soup,knitting,washing the dishes,playing with kittens,flying kites,walking in nature,and a myriad other activities.You name it,as long as it's enjoyable and has a good outcome,it'll help you relax,destress,and focus on wellbeing.
So what boosts your enthusiasm?

Monday 4 January 2016

Happy New Year

The clue is in the first word.And because it's simple to understand,most of us overlook it,or make life way more complicated than it needs to be.
So what makes you happy?
And how can you sustain that feeling throughout the year?
Now that's what I call a quest!

Happy 2016 to you!