Monday 31 December 2018

Shine On...

Catch the Sparkle

Whatever has happened in the past year, or further back in time, to dull your sparkle,this is a reminder to catch the sparkle and shine on✨

Friday 30 November 2018

Giving thanks

Life can be challenging no matter where you are. You may be cursing rather than blessing.So if you find yourself less than healthy wealthy loving and creative,it's time to give thanks.
It's worth going on a daily quest to find everything you're thankful for. And writing in a gratitude journal at bedtime. This change of focus can be a lifesaver.

Wednesday 31 October 2018


We all need to replenish ourselves. Body,mind,spirit and emotions are forever on a quest to heal,restore and renew every day and in all seasons.
What better place to do this than in your own home, at a health and leisure centre, and in a nearby juice bar? Juice bars not only serve juice, but also a variety of foods and drinks to nourish the soul. Fair trade and organic goods help heal us and our environment.
So where's your nearest juice bar? Go visit,and be delighted.

Saturday 29 September 2018


Fountains are inspiring symbols of renewal, refreshment and optimism.
Where do you go to feel inspired in the city?

Friday 31 August 2018


A sense of freedom can be as simple as looking at clouds drifting across a blue sky, or gazing up at the twinkling stars at night.
Freedom to be ourselves is our birthright.
What helps you feel free?

Tuesday 31 July 2018


                                  Apple Blossom

"You can count the seeds in an apple,but you cannot count the apples in a seed".
I love this quote.
It speaks to me of pure potential and it's fulfillment.
How about you?

Saturday 30 June 2018


Where is your favourite place in nature?
Where is your favourite place in the city?
An oasis for the soul can be anywhere that you love,and that nourishes you.
When you're feeling parched is a good time to revisit, or discover new oases.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Spring beauty

Blessed are the people who travel the world in all seasons,for they see nature's beauty at every turn ~ Anon

Monday 30 April 2018

Love and respect

Love and respect to our mother(s), to our natural world, and to the Divine Feminine.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Spring to life

A great way to spring-clean your body and mind is to include a freshly made green juice into your daily habits. Even once a week is good enough,in preparation for the new season.
Boosting your energy this way refreshes your systems and keeps a spring in your step.
To your good health!

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Carpe diem

A new dawn
A new day
Sometimes we forget to look up,look around,
and appreciate the amazing gifts of life that are free,for everyone.
Seize the day,and love your life

Sunday 14 January 2018

Where is the Love?

Do you sometimes feel like you've lost that loving feeling?
How about if we realise that love is never lost,but is always here. Maybe  by remembering,refocussing,rediscovering,reclaiming,restoring and receiving we can replenish ourselves?Maybe only then can we give,from an overflowing, loving and joyful place.
Think of it as a quest.
Like being on holiday.
Finding joy everywhere in nature,in situations,in people,and most vitally,within.