Sunday, 30 June 2019



Renewing enthusiasm
Signs of exhaustion may be overlooked until it's too late.But it is possible to overcome burnout by the strategic use of essential organic oils and massage.
For a good night of deep sleep,massage a blend of rose jasmine and geranium oil (in a carrier oil or gel) across your shoulders and on your neck,chest and soles of the feet. Sip a cup of soothing herbal tea, and drift off to sleep.
in the morning, use a wake-up trio of grapefruit lavender  and geranium oils after washing and showering. As these therapeutic essential oils get to work healing your hardworking body, book a massage or reflexology session for a professional treatment later in the week/month. And a holiday,so you have something to look forward to.
Do this oil treatment every day and you'll begin to feel pampered and re-energised pretty soon.
And your enthusiasm will return in leaps and bounds. Nature nurtures!

NB: Do a patch test first to make sure the blend is compatible with your skin type.