Saturday 27 February 2021

The view from above

From above,in daylight,we get to see where our world is happy and free,with forests and mountains,plains and deserts,oceans and ice.And we also see where our world is confused and hurting. At night,we get to see vast areas of darkness,of mystery where the world's flora and fauna live in peace,and slumber;and also the places where our earth is lit up with twinkling light,movement and celebration of human life.We see rivers winding all the way down to the oceans,and along those rivers,we get to see that's where most of humanity gathers and makes settlement,for we cannot live without fresh clean revitalising lifegiving water. We see that our world has natural rhythms,and we traverse oceans, looking down on vast sparkling waters.But most of all, we see that our world is wondrous, alive, diverse and beautiful.