Monday 29 September 2014

Look All Around

                                                I can see clearly now

       This song means so much to me.It is sacred and holy optimism at its finest.
Never mind that I met the man back in the day.Or that it heralded the beginning of an airborne era for myself and my friends and family.This song elevates anyone who truly listens to it,out of the depths of darkness and into the sunlight.Oh yeah.

Which songs inspire optimism in you?

Monday 22 September 2014

Cherish Yourself

                                              A Cup O' Kindness

       This has been a momentous time for the people of Scotland and the United Kingdom this last week.We're all trying to recover from the effects of the Referendum.It was passionate,tumultuous,divisive yet unifying.So much so, that I have no words for now,other than something that the Dalai Lama quietly urges us to do as much and as often as possible.
       "Cherish yourself,cherish others."

We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for the sake of Auld Lang Syne

Monday 15 September 2014

What is Dendrotherapy?

                                                    Beech Elder

       Dendrotherapy is the art of healing with the energy of trees.Many cultures in the world practise this,but in the Western world it got bad press as hippy treehugging nonsense.
       Now I'm definitely for hugging people,given the choice.However,as a way to transform and boost energy in a natural way,and to heal from many ills of the modern world,trees are definitely one of my go- to remedies.And we're not talking hugging here,because some of them are gigantic elders of the tree community,and you couldn't possibly put your arms around them!There is good reason why they are known as Standing People in some indigenous cultures.
        Not all trees are healing trees and you have to discern that,and know your choices.The one in the photo above is an ancient beech.To gain perspective,the indentation you can see just to the right of centre,a third of the way up the base of the trunk,is where I can sit comfortably with my feet on the ground!
       Beech is definitely a healer,and if you know anything about Bach Flower Essences, you'll know that beech transforms the habit of criticism and intolerance.When I'm under the canopy of this mighty being,it's reminding me not just to tolerate, but to praise,appreciate,be thankful for the countless blessings in life.

Trees are the lungs of our planet

If you are interested in dendrotherapy and would like to know more,please email me at the address in the contact area of this blog.Or if you'd like weekly updates of this blog,put your email address in the "follow by email" above right.Thanks! 

Monday 8 September 2014

A Good Night's Sleep

It  must be my African roots,because I love this song,and it always makes me  feel happy when I hear it!
       I'm a firm believer that if you sleep well every night then the next day is a lot easier.And I also believe that we sleep so that our bodies can heal,and we can make sense of our lives,and life.Look out for upcoming posts on how to sleep well so you can breeze through the daylight hours,come what may!

Monday 1 September 2014

Roots and Wings

       Today I woke up feeling "less than....".I can't describe it any other way.But I decided to try and figure out what was going on.After some soulsearching,I realised I was feeling nostalgic.And it felt good to identify the feeling.
       I decided to lean into the feeling for a while,and played some music tracks that I grew up with,that shaped me as a youngster in my teens and twenties.It's what I needed to hear because those songs helped me grow my wings that helped me soar into a brighter future.They were collective wings in those times,when I flew with the flock and we soared like a murmur of starlings rising and falling together in a cloudless sky.
      And then thankfully, I found the grandfather wisdom I was looking for,which I'm sharing here.

Rediscover your roots and replenish your well