Monday 1 September 2014

Roots and Wings

       Today I woke up feeling "less than....".I can't describe it any other way.But I decided to try and figure out what was going on.After some soulsearching,I realised I was feeling nostalgic.And it felt good to identify the feeling.
       I decided to lean into the feeling for a while,and played some music tracks that I grew up with,that shaped me as a youngster in my teens and twenties.It's what I needed to hear because those songs helped me grow my wings that helped me soar into a brighter future.They were collective wings in those times,when I flew with the flock and we soared like a murmur of starlings rising and falling together in a cloudless sky.
      And then thankfully, I found the grandfather wisdom I was looking for,which I'm sharing here.

Rediscover your roots and replenish your well


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