Monday 23 February 2015

Love Your Life

Ok,so some days,you just want to pull the duvet over your head,snuggle down and lie low.I get that.I've been there,especially when it's cold and wet outside.But it doesn't feel good unless you're ill and you need some time out from the stress of  daily life.
The good news is,your life doesn't have to feel bad.It's meant to be enjoyed,appreciated,celebrated whatever the circumstances.So I'm suggesting that whatever else is happening in your life,you do this one thing.Take a deep breath,and  before you emerge from your cosy bed,declare triumphantly,with arms raised in victory salute " Today is going to be one of the best days of my life."Or words to that effect.
You can do this anywhere,at any time.But you have to remember to do it every day,when you wake up,for it to have a wonderful effect on your life.
Feeling good is our birthright.

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