Monday, 18 May 2015

Valuable Vitamins

  H20 +fresh fruity herby vits = more natural energy

Most people know how important it is to be hydrated,ongoing.
And getting the balance right is vital.
Do we realise how lucky we are to be able to turn on a tap,and voila,there is water,running freely and clearly?Or to walk to a store,and find springwater from around the world,ready to drink? Miracles and blessings indeed!Or the best of all,to drink with cupped hands from a spring bubbling up from the ground?
First thing after waking,I usually find a bottle of spring water (if I'm on a travel day) or a favourite glass or jar,if I'm staying in one place for the day.My go-to simple choice is sparkling water,ice,a sprig or 2 of fresh thyme and a slice of lime.
Here are a few combos to add extra vitamins,colour,and tastes to your hydrating experience,always with ice if possible:
Fresh lemon and basil
Grapefruit and mint
Strawberry and lime
Orange and ginger
Watermelon and rosemary

The pleasure is in imagining what you can create,and trying out the variations!
What's your favourite way to drink more water?

Monday, 11 May 2015

Flying through Your Day

This time last year,I wrote a blogpost about how to begin every morning with the intention of experiencing a wonderful day, every day.
It's not only possible,it's inevitable,because your focus changes from selfdoubt to trust and faith.However for some people,this seems unlikely.All the usual excuses,objections and also,valid reasons why this may be impossible for them, come up.Yes,life can be challenging,but ......
I say it's just that their focus has been on the confusion rather than the bright spots and beauty of life.You can change your focus and thoughts at any time,in whatever circumstances you may find yourself, and the results will miraculously add up to a life you love.

"You just think lovely wonderful thoughts,and they lift you up in the air" ~ from Peter Pan by JMBarrie

Sunday, 3 May 2015

May Delights

                                                         Cherry Blossom Blue Sky

May holds so many spring delights in this part of the world. This weekend  heralded the birth of a royal princess,and what better timing  than the glorious month of May.
What do you find to celebrate at this time of year?
Seek,explore,discover,be delighted.

"What sunshine is to flowers,smiles are to humanity"  ~ Joseph Addison