Monday 21 September 2015


This here ,is a lifegiver juice!
How many people know that most fruits and vegetables on our planet have anticancer and other diseasefighting properties?

Which is why it's vital to make sure our world is healthy and as free as possible  from toxins of all kinds.
I'm talking organic.
If I'm feeling off balance,ill,or realise I've strayed from a healthy path,this juice is my go-to remedy.
It is said,and science has proved, that if you drink one of these a day,for 30 days,you'll be well on your way to transforming your health from icky to excellent.Usually I'm back to feeling great after 7 days,so I've never gone the full 30!
As always,if you're on medication,you would need to check in with your doctor.

Here's the recipe:
(Organic where possible)
1 small raw beetroot
2 carrots
2 celery sticks
1quarter cucumber
Handful of spinach/watercress/rocket
Half inch root ginger
Half a lime or lemon
Small amount of fresh basil or parsley or coriander

Juice the lot,and enjoy one glass midmorning and one in the afternoon,as a nutritional boost par excellence!

Which healthy habit helps you to sustain and maintain good health?

Disclaimer:As always,check with your doctor,in case any of these ingredients affect the medicines you may be taking.

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