Monday 9 June 2014

Overcoming Jetlag part 1

       How do you "get back to yourself" when you've been travelling at high speed?You can suffer from autolag and trainlag as much as anyone who chooses aviation for a mode of transport.It's just that jetlag sounds more glamorous!
       Back in the day,when I returned from a trip,I would stare out of the window and twirl a wisp of hair around my index finger for God knows how long,before I felt ready to get back to the present moment.Not the best solution,but it served me at the time!And then I would make my way to the local spa to revitalise.
       Since then,I've learnt a lot more about elemental balance.Think about it.Travelling at high speed these days involves the elements of metal/space,air,and fire in order to propel.And these are very much male/masculine by nature.So to offset the effects of these elements,it's best to balance them with the more feminine/female ones of water and earth.
        So if you're experiencing the familiar effects of burnout,exhaustion and displacement after travelling,the very best thing to do is to take a shower/bath at each end of your day until you feel like yourself again.Preferably using aromatherapy.And to rehydrate with plenty of spring water,fresh juices and herb teas.
        One steward I know would swim at least 20 lengths of his local swimming pool as soon as he got home.Another plays fast and furious racquetball followed by a shower.As well as taking showers and baths,I walk barefoot whenever I need to feel grounded.My daughter goes running and horseriding,and my son plays football.
       I've learnt from past experience that drinking alcohol/firewater on the same day or 2 after returning to base is a real no-no when it comes to overcoming jetlag.Or travellag of any kind.It's never a good idea to fight fire energy with fire.
       So after travelling,I've found the very best way to get back to myself is to get my selfcare systems in place,and be mindful of balancing the elements!
       How about you?

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