Monday 14 July 2014

If music be the food of love,play on...


     Aviation and aircrew sanctuaries would be impossible without musicians.
And I believe sanctity of the human soul is not possible without music.It elevates us.Takes us higher.Helps our spirits soar.
     Aircrew and musicians complement each other, and are necessary for each other.How else could rock and roll have reached people across the world,back in the day,except by flying?And how else could musicians continue to do so?
I wonder which composers and what music the pioneering aviators listened to,that inspired them skywards?
     How divine can we be as human beings?
     To rise early,see and feel the sunrise,watch the flight of birds and listen to the magic of the dawn chorus...that's a sacred act.But it can be a solitary one.
     There is a saying..."If you can talk,then sing! If you can walk,then dance!"
     And I believe,if you can play music,sing and dance,then you're really flying!
     And connecting with people across our beautiful planet. 

For most people the sky's the limit...for those who love aviation the sky is home~Airline captain

If music be the food of love,play on~Shakespeare

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