Wednesday 20 August 2014

Life,love and dealing with sucky stuff

Nobody likes to lose someone or something they love.It really sucks.I t feels horrible.You get pulled into that awful feeling that you've experienced before,more times than you care to remember.It's primal and it feels totally icky.
But here's the thing.It's part of life and love.It's the dance.The dance of life and love, where the shadow is created by the sunlight,moonlight and stars.You can't have one without the other.So when you experience huge loss,you're experiencing the shadow.
So you know what?let yourself cry,howl if you need to,allow yourself to feel all the emotions that belong in the shadows.Give yourself permission to let them out safely,experience them,like a stormy night of the soul.From an early age,we're taught to stuff down our sadness,our anger,our fear.Give yourself that gift of feeling your grief.Storms pass through and clear out the negativity.Know that the sun is always shining,but you have to seek it out and turn your face up to it.
To me,warmth and sunshine and clarity feel better,and that's what I prefer to experience more often,given a choice.We have all been gifted with freewill and the freedom to choose what we experience from moment to moment.So today,we may not choose to experience loss,but we can make a conscious choice to be gentle with ourselves and be kind to each other in every waking moment.And to make healthier choices that will help us feel good,and feel the sunshine in our lives instead of living in the shadows.
        Yesterday,we lost a part of our heart.Animals are like that.They are so close to our hearts and such a comfort that when they leave ,it tears us apart and leaves what feels like an abyss.So yesterday we wept.All day,most of the night.Separately and together.Today?I'm going to make a conscious decision to honour the people and creaturebeings that share and have shared their lives with us and given us so much unconditional love.How?By feeling good.As much as humanly possible.Today it's sunshine and showers.
Thank you Wobbles for all the love.Purrfection.

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