Saturday 25 October 2014

Prosperity in a pine tree

Evergreens are wonderful teachers of the sustainability of life.Unlike deciduous trees,they keep their greenery all year round.And green is the colour of health and wealth,healing the heart from a world of woes.
       Pine trees especially,are all about joy,and celebration of life.They transform guilt into appreciation,introducing you to a world of wonders.
       If you live in the city,find your nearest evergreen,preferably pine in a park,arboretum,or botanical garden and connect to the strongest looking one,or one that you feel pulled towards.Evergreens are awesome teachers.
       We always have enough,so if you ever feel deprived,go establish some respectful rapport with a pine tree,open your mind and senses to the evergreen wisdom on offer,and give thanks.
We're here to celebrate life and enjoy ourselves

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