Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Being Thankful

Counting your blessings is a wonderful way to begin and end every day.
The more you do it,the more thankful,happy and appreciative you become.



Monday, 17 November 2014

Remembering Respect


The dictionary definition of concord is " n.agreement and harmony between people and nations".If ever I need to feel reassured that there are decent people still living in the world expressing wonderful human values and higher qualities,I listen to this 11 year old recording from the flightdeck of Concorde,taking off from JFK.And I feel better,knowing that this kind of respectful rapport exists in the world of aviation,worldwide,today and every day.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Smile Lifestyle : Warmth


       Warmth is the theme for this month of our Smile Lifestyle Programme. Those that are taking part are enjoying finding the many different ways to keep clean and warm,as the weather changes.
       Our bodies are miracles of nature,created to keep our systems at the exact temperature to keep our immune systems strong so that we stay healthy.It's common sense that if our body temperature drops,we start shivering to alert us to the fact that we're feeling too cold to maintain our good health.It's our danger signal! Keeping a strong "core" is vital to our well being.

 For an excellent practice to keep your core strong and balanced in any season here is Kalia Kelmenson's wonderful video on how it's done.This exercise session is particularly helpful to get you through the autumn and winter months with more ease, grace and warmth (indoors obviously).Go visit her site at www.mauimindandbody.comwww.mauimindandbody.com for inspiring ways to boost your energy levels and live a healthy lifestyle all year round.


Monday, 3 November 2014

A Good Night's Sleep (part I)

           Getting a  good night's sleep may be easier than you think.And sometimes all you need is a cup of warm milk and half a teaspoon of vanilla essence 10 minutes before you want to go to sleep.If you prefer grain milk (in the form of oats,rice or soya,)or nut milk,(as in almond,coconut,hazelnut,cashew,)drink that instead of animal milk (like cow's or goat's.) Milk is relaxing and comforting.And vanilla is sedative,and promotes dream recall.
       A few drops of pure organic essential oil of lavender sprinkled on a tissue or dabbed on your wrists, will also help you relax and sleep deeply and have sweet dreams.
       You'll wake up feeling far more refreshed!