Monday 29 June 2015

Inner confidence

How can tiny white flowers give people  confidence? I'm pretty sure this won't apply to most men.There will be other natural scents that do this,like zesty citruses and spices
And how can the scent of delicate flowers keep us connected to the earth,yet elevate us to such heights?
Jasmine does indeed help you feel more confident,and it's a phenomenon that intrigues me.But I'm beginning to understand why.
The white of the blossoms symbolise innocence and purity.The green foliage connects us to the heart,and healing.And the scent is so exquisite that it fills me with joy!
But confidence?I think the meaning of the word has changed over time.And there are as many kinds of confidence as there are people in the world
To me,it's an inner feeling of innocence and trust that expands when I give myself whatever I need to enjoy my life.
How about you?  What helps you feel more confidence,trust and faith?

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