Monday 13 July 2015

Feet Treats

Whether you're racing across the sky as cabin crew,or pounding the pavements shopping in the city,your hardworking feet need pampering when you're back home.You can buy essential oils in a healthstore or online.Just make sure they're pure and organic.You deserve the best!

Grapefruit,Mint and Lavender Footsoak

1 handful seasalt
7drops grapefruit essential oil
3drops peppermint essential oil
5drops lavender essential oil
Some fresh mint

Fill a bowl with handhot water,add oils,seasalt and mint.Soak feet for as long as is comfortable,adding hot water if you wish.Dry feet with a fresh towel and slather on a luxurious moisturiser.Put on cotton spa socks,and relax with a magazine and some soothing music.Bliss:-) 

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