Monday 5 October 2015

Herb Hero

                                                    Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea)

Echinacea is known as the king of blood purifiers.
Originating from the prairies of the USA,seeds from the plant were given to Alfred Vogel by Black Elk,and he took them back to his home in Switzerland where they flourished.He made herbal tinctures from them which ,according to native wisdom,are excellent for purifying the blood and boosting the immune system.
Indeed,my children were very familiar with the sight of the echinacea bottle,and never suffered from childhood cuts and scrapes turning infectious.I always have a bottle of echinacea tincture in the first aid kit.
I've heard several horror stories about people I know having to be hospitalised for septicemia and blood poisoning,and it turns out they didn't know about the powerful properties of this wonderful plant.
So I'm spreading the word!


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