Wednesday 21 May 2014

Away from apathy and onto a path with heart....

       Energy can be elusive at times.Everyone feels apathetic now and again,and it has its roots way back.But what if you have "everything" you need,yet you still feel unmotivated and powerless most of the time?Where the only support you can count on is your bed?!
       Teenagers know this feeling well when they're still living at home,but are more than ready to fly the nest.And you know it when you're resisting making the changes you need to make in the transition stages of your life.Or when you want to really feel alive and excited about life,but feel the opposite.
       Chances are,you've been living in your head too much ...(Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy...thanks Eagles).Or there's a battle of wills going on with the significant others in your life,at work or at home.(I've got a Life....thanks Annie Lennox)Or you're plain exhausted from working so hard and not playing enough.(9 to 5...thanks Dolly Parton).
       All is not lost,because there's a practice you can count on.And the more you do it,the better you feel.And you can do it any time,anywhere.And it costs nothing.It's free.Like the gifts of nature,and the air we breathe.And it's so simple,and easy to do.Are you ready?
       Put one or both hands on your heart.Breathe a sigh of relief.Feel the rhythm of your breath for a few moments.Ask yourself...What does my heart want for me right now?In this moment?Listen for the answers.Often.Every day.Keep asking and keep listening.Love is there,and here,and everywhere.All the time.Listen to the beat of your own heart,and you're connected.Connected to yourself,connected to others,connected to the rhythmic heartbeat of our wonderful planet.Trust this.
       It all begins with you,and love,and a path with heart.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast

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