A very interesting observation about aircrew and frequent fliers,is that they/we experience our days very differently from more earthbound people when it comes to the concept of day and night,sunrise and sunset.
For instance,after 9years of long haul flying,I don't think and feel the same way as I did before I started flying as a career.You come to realise that the sun never sets,it's always shining.Therefore your levels of trust and optimism rise accordingly.(see previous post)
Welcome to our sanctuary,haven,oasis,happy place A place in time for aircrew,past present and future,and our families and friends Somewhere to relax and reconnect Somewhere to revitalise and replenish Somewhere to return to whenever you like,wherever you are:-)
Monday, 14 December 2015
Monday, 30 November 2015
Every day is a new day.
Every new day is an opportunity to heal,restore ourselves, our lives and our relationship to all that is.
Here is a vital practice to help restore trust.
If trust has been broken,be present for the sunset. and be thankful. And know the sun always rises the next day. Trust can be restored at every sunrise and throughout each day of our lives.
Be present for the sunrise and dawn chorus that greets us every day,and give thanks.
Thanks to Anthony William for inspiratio
Here is a vital practice to help restore trust.
If trust has been broken,be present for the sunset. and be thankful. And know the sun always rises the next day. Trust can be restored at every sunrise and throughout each day of our lives.
Be present for the sunrise and dawn chorus that greets us every day,and give thanks.
Thanks to Anthony William for inspiratio
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Zest for Life
Nature's Gifts
Sometimes,there really is no better cure for exhaustion than nature's gifts in the form of pure organic essential oils.
Most of us go way beyond our physical limitations in our lives and then wonder why we can't sleep when we need to.
What if you could be revitalised and re-energised while you sleep with the help of nature?And then be ready for anything when you wake up?
What you need is a teaspoon of almond,coconut or sesame oil as a carrier oil,and a few drops from well chosen bottles of essential oils.The aim is to create a relaxing blend for a bedtime massage,and an energising blend for when you wake up in the morning.
As an example,you could start with 2 or 3 drops each of lavender and orange blended in a dish with a teaspoon of sesame oil, and then massage your feet,shoulders and chest.This bedtime ritual in itself is very relaxing,and the plant oils will heal you as you sleep.
On waking,and after washing,showering,bathing,you can choose a massage blend of say,grapefruit and bergamot with a drop of lavender,and you're good to go!
Try it for several days and see what a difference this makes to your energy levels and mood.
NB: Make sure essential oils are safe, and out of reach of children and pets
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
A sense of self
Why do animals do this?
We've had horses and cats that delighted in a good roll on the ground,hooves and paws in the air!And the cats in our care love doing this.Why?
One reason is that they derive a very good all-round sense of themselves in direct contact with the ground or surface they're on;a holistic 360°view,if you will.
Another reason is that it just feels so good!
Remember rolling down grassy slopes as a child?It's fun!
We've had horses and cats that delighted in a good roll on the ground,hooves and paws in the air!And the cats in our care love doing this.Why?
One reason is that they derive a very good all-round sense of themselves in direct contact with the ground or surface they're on;a holistic 360°view,if you will.
Another reason is that it just feels so good!
Remember rolling down grassy slopes as a child?It's fun!
As an adult,how do you strengthen your sense of self?
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Bringing out the best in people isn't always simple. But It doesn't have to be hard work if we remember that what we all want is to love and be loved.
If our needs aren't being met,life becomes much more complicated.You can be sure that if you come across a tricky customer or client,(or anyone !)they're feeling unloved and unlovable.
So what to do?
Kindness is key,and so is making sure their basic needs are being met.
Aircrew understand this intrinsically.
Who do you know that needs more kindness today?
"If there is one person to sing,one to dance,one to talk and one to listen,life goes on." ~ Native American quote
Monday, 12 October 2015
Ode To Autumn
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
Close bosom friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel;to set budding more
And still more,later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease;
For summer has o'er brimm'd their clammy cells.
This is the first of 3 verses of a favourite poem by John Keats about autumn,or fall.
Long haul aircrew fly in all weathers and experience the seasons in a very different way from most people.But all of us in the human family have to adjust to the changing circumstances in which we find ourselves.This is what I love about nature;there's glory to be found at every turn.
What do you love about autumn?
Monday, 5 October 2015
Herb Hero
Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea)
Echinacea is known as the king of blood purifiers.
Originating from the prairies of the USA,seeds from the plant were given to Alfred Vogel by Black Elk,and he took them back to his home in Switzerland where they flourished.He made herbal tinctures from them which ,according to native wisdom,are excellent for purifying the blood and boosting the immune system.
Indeed,my children were very familiar with the sight of the echinacea bottle,and never suffered from childhood cuts and scrapes turning infectious.I always have a bottle of echinacea tincture in the first aid kit.
I've heard several horror stories about people I know having to be hospitalised for septicemia and blood poisoning,and it turns out they didn't know about the powerful properties of this wonderful plant.
So I'm spreading the word!
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Is it a dove of peace?Is it an angel?
Are the moon and stars visible tonight?
If I'm feeling the stresses and strains of daily life,I look up for inspiration,for calm,for peace of mind.
It's one of my favourite things to do.
How about you?
Monday, 21 September 2015
This here ,is a lifegiver juice!
How many people know that most fruits and vegetables on our planet have anticancer and other diseasefighting properties?
Which is why it's vital to make sure our world is healthy and as free as possible from toxins of all kinds.
I'm talking organic.
If I'm feeling off balance,ill,or realise I've strayed from a healthy path,this juice is my go-to remedy.
It is said,and science has proved, that if you drink one of these a day,for 30 days,you'll be well on your way to transforming your health from icky to excellent.Usually I'm back to feeling great after 7 days,so I've never gone the full 30!
As always,if you're on medication,you would need to check in with your doctor.
Here's the recipe:
(Organic where possible)
1 small raw beetroot
2 carrots
2 celery sticks
1quarter cucumber
Handful of spinach/watercress/rocket
Half inch root ginger
Half a lime or lemon
Small amount of fresh basil or parsley or coriander
Juice the lot,and enjoy one glass midmorning and one in the afternoon,as a nutritional boost par excellence!
Which healthy habit helps you to sustain and maintain good health?
Disclaimer:As always,check with your doctor,in case any of these ingredients affect the medicines you may be taking.
How many people know that most fruits and vegetables on our planet have anticancer and other diseasefighting properties?
Which is why it's vital to make sure our world is healthy and as free as possible from toxins of all kinds.
I'm talking organic.
If I'm feeling off balance,ill,or realise I've strayed from a healthy path,this juice is my go-to remedy.
It is said,and science has proved, that if you drink one of these a day,for 30 days,you'll be well on your way to transforming your health from icky to excellent.Usually I'm back to feeling great after 7 days,so I've never gone the full 30!
As always,if you're on medication,you would need to check in with your doctor.
Here's the recipe:
(Organic where possible)
1 small raw beetroot
2 carrots
2 celery sticks
1quarter cucumber
Handful of spinach/watercress/rocket
Half inch root ginger
Half a lime or lemon
Small amount of fresh basil or parsley or coriander
Juice the lot,and enjoy one glass midmorning and one in the afternoon,as a nutritional boost par excellence!
Which healthy habit helps you to sustain and maintain good health?
Disclaimer:As always,check with your doctor,in case any of these ingredients affect the medicines you may be taking.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Monday, 7 September 2015
Love Your Life
Smile Lifestyle
This is a programme that is available year round, but is actually best to start at the beginning of September,in the northern hemisphere, and is ongoing for 6 months until spring arrives.
It is most suitable for people who suffer from the winter blues,and would like to feel healthier and happier, more naturally and holistically.
To begin with,we get our systems in place and do some preparations,so we're ready for action!If you'd like to enjoy life in every season,then this programme is for you.Email me at the address in the contact section if you're interested,and we'll begin the journey to a more naturally joyful you.
This is a programme that is available year round, but is actually best to start at the beginning of September,in the northern hemisphere, and is ongoing for 6 months until spring arrives.
It is most suitable for people who suffer from the winter blues,and would like to feel healthier and happier, more naturally and holistically.
To begin with,we get our systems in place and do some preparations,so we're ready for action!If you'd like to enjoy life in every season,then this programme is for you.Email me at the address in the contact section if you're interested,and we'll begin the journey to a more naturally joyful you.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Faith in Nature part 2
Catch the buzz!
2years ago,I posted a blog about having discovered a wild hive of bees whilst out walking in nature.Pardon the pun,but it gave me quite a buzz!
Last year,I hiked to the same place,and to my disappointment,the bees had gone.I don't know what happened.There were pieces of honeycomb lying around the base of the tree,but no sign of any bees.I felt the silence all around me and realised they had probably swarmed and established a new hive somewhere in the surrounding hills.
This year I didn't have to go anywhere,the bees came here!
2 days ago,on a warm and sunny day,I was sitting on the steps,drinking my morning green juice,when I heard that familiar buzzing sound to my right.My curiosity led me to the patio where there was an astonishing sight.
There were dozens of bees buzzing across the surface,well over a hundred of them!
I watched them in amazement while they went about their business,and because they're so close,I get to observe them,and what they get up to on a daily basis!
What,who,where and when gives you a buzz? (in the best possible sense!)
Photo: Bumblebee and red admiral on Michaelmas daisies
Monday, 17 August 2015
Where is your favourite holiday destination?
Have you made plans to fly to somewhere warm and sunny next year?
Holiday plans give you hope and optimism through the winter months.
"If you can dream it,you can do it"
Monday, 10 August 2015
"I stand in good relation to the Earth
I stand in good relation to the Creator
I stand in good relation to all that is beautiful"
This affirmation/prayer was given to our family as a thank you present by our Native American friends during their visit with us a few years ago.Around that time,I learnt from them that every decision needs to be made with the next seven generations in mind and heart.
This ensures good stewardship of our world for the sake of our children and their future.
All indigenous people know this,and I find reassurance in this wisdom.
Earth abides.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Earlier today,I reposted "Bluesky Thinking" and then took my own advice by gazing up into the high blue for a while to free my thoughts.Always worth it.
I heard the eagle before I could see it,an unmistakeable piercing whistle from other times,other places.And then I could see the bird soaring high above me,white wingtips and tail letting me know it was a mighty sea eagle.
Honour,respect,majesty.These are the words that describe the feelings that such a sight evokes.I always feel blessed by such a visit.
What blessings have you received today?
Saturday, 25 July 2015
One of my favourite fruits made into fresh juice, is passionfruit which reminds me of breakfasts at the Intercontinental in Nairobi.
The early morning flight would get us there in time for the first sitting,and there would be jugs of freshly squeezed pineapple,orange and passion fruit juice waiting for us before we sat down to a breakfast banquet. I become enthusiastic just thinking about it.
This last weekend,President Barack Obama was visiting his father's homeland of Kenya.How wonderful.And it must have been awesome and exciting beyond words for everyone to see Airforce One touching down at Nairobi Airport!
What sparks your passion?What do you absolutely love to do? What do you love to create?
Enthusiasm is your greatest resource.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Feet Treats
Whether you're racing across the sky as cabin crew,or pounding the pavements shopping in the city,your hardworking feet need pampering when you're back home.You can buy essential oils in a healthstore or online.Just make sure they're pure and organic.You deserve the best!
Grapefruit,Mint and Lavender Footsoak
1 handful seasalt
7drops grapefruit essential oil
3drops peppermint essential oil
5drops lavender essential oil
Some fresh mint
Fill a bowl with handhot water,add oils,seasalt and mint.Soak feet for as long as is comfortable,adding hot water if you wish.Dry feet with a fresh towel and slather on a luxurious moisturiser.Put on cotton spa socks,and relax with a magazine and some soothing music.Bliss:-)
Monday, 6 July 2015
Spend 5 minutes every day focussing on one (and only one)thing,whether it's your breathing,your hands,a plant,animal,view, or a manmade object,like a cup.Single pointed focus induces inner calm and serenity,overcoming confusion,fear and overwhelm.
Observe the divine in that one thing.
Observe the divine in that one thing.
Simplicity promotes inner peace.
Monday, 29 June 2015
It's up to me
"It's up to me whether I'm going to blame myself and others when life doesn't seem to be going my way , OR whether I realise I'm always doing the best I can,and I must love myself and be kind and gentle,as my life is a rare and precious gift." It's up to me to choose to believe that life is a banquet,life is a glorious adventure with endless blessings. These wise words came to me a few years ago,and I always remind myself of them when faced with a difficult situation, or people who have lost their trust and faith. The Trust and Faith Tribe have more fun....let the sun shine in :-)
"Turn your face up to the sun,and your shadow will always be behind you"
Inner confidence
How can tiny white flowers give people confidence? I'm pretty sure this won't apply to most men.There will be other natural scents that do this,like zesty citruses and spices
And how can the scent of delicate flowers keep us connected to the earth,yet elevate us to such heights?
Jasmine does indeed help you feel more confident,and it's a phenomenon that intrigues me.But I'm beginning to understand why.
The white of the blossoms symbolise innocence and purity.The green foliage connects us to the heart,and healing.And the scent is so exquisite that it fills me with joy!
But confidence?I think the meaning of the word has changed over time.And there are as many kinds of confidence as there are people in the world
To me,it's an inner feeling of innocence and trust that expands when I give myself whatever I need to enjoy my life.
How about you? What helps you feel more confidence,trust and faith?
Sunday, 21 June 2015
June roses
To me, midsummer is a feeling more than anything.
generous,happy,fun,clear and bright,by day and night.
Roses are the flowers associated with St Therese,who is believed to protect aircrew.
What do you love about midsummer?
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Summer Smoothies
Summer Smoothies
While the warm summer days are here,we're making the most of fresh summer fruits to create delicious and nutritious drinks.
This is one of the better ways to nourish yourself in the morning before you dance into your day.
You can save time and prepare the night before by gathering all the unrefrigerated ingredients together in one place,ready for action.
Peach and Cinnamon Smoothie (makes2)
2 cups rice or almond milk
1 fresh peach (sliced)
1 fresh nectarine (sliced)
small handful of fresh raspberries
3 tablespoons natural live yogurt
1 tablespoon oats
half teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 tablespoon ground almonds
1 teaspoon chia seeds
Put the fruits in a blender with the oats,almonds,chia seeds and cinnamon.Pour the milk in next, and add the yogurt.Blend until smooth,share between 2 glasses and enjoy!
Look out for more breakfast recipes soon.
What's your favourite summer smoothie?
Monday, 8 June 2015
Blue Sky Thinking
Looking up
Sometimes we have such busy lives,we forget about the simple pleasures.When was the last time you lay on the grass or sand,and did absolutely nothing except gaze up at the deep blue sky? It's a gift we can give ourselves,but sometimes we need a reminder.Permit yourself to daydream for a while :-)
Monday, 18 May 2015
Valuable Vitamins
H20 +fresh fruity herby vits = more natural energy
Most people know how important it is to be hydrated,ongoing.
And getting the balance right is vital.
Do we realise how lucky we are to be able to turn on a tap,and voila,there is water,running freely and clearly?Or to walk to a store,and find springwater from around the world,ready to drink? Miracles and blessings indeed!Or the best of all,to drink with cupped hands from a spring bubbling up from the ground?
First thing after waking,I usually find a bottle of spring water (if I'm on a travel day) or a favourite glass or jar,if I'm staying in one place for the day.My go-to simple choice is sparkling water,ice,a sprig or 2 of fresh thyme and a slice of lime.
Here are a few combos to add extra vitamins,colour,and tastes to your hydrating experience,always with ice if possible:
Fresh lemon and basil
Grapefruit and mint
Strawberry and lime
Orange and ginger
Watermelon and rosemary
The pleasure is in imagining what you can create,and trying out the variations!
What's your favourite way to drink more water?
Monday, 11 May 2015
Flying through Your Day
This time last year,I wrote a blogpost about how to begin every morning with the intention of experiencing a wonderful day, every day.
It's not only possible,it's inevitable,because your focus changes from selfdoubt to trust and faith.However for some people,this seems unlikely.All the usual excuses,objections and also,valid reasons why this may be impossible for them, come up.Yes,life can be challenging,but ......
I say it's just that their focus has been on the confusion rather than the bright spots and beauty of life.You can change your focus and thoughts at any time,in whatever circumstances you may find yourself, and the results will miraculously add up to a life you love.
"You just think lovely wonderful thoughts,and they lift you up in the air" ~ from Peter Pan by JMBarrie
Sunday, 3 May 2015
May Delights
Cherry Blossom Blue Sky
May holds so many spring delights in this part of the world. This weekend heralded the birth of a royal princess,and what better timing than the glorious month of May.
What do you find to celebrate at this time of year?
Seek,explore,discover,be delighted.
"What sunshine is to flowers,smiles are to humanity" ~ Joseph Addison
Monday, 27 April 2015
Points of view
When I took this photo,I was intending to share the spectacular and glorious colours of the sunset as I arrived in Oban,Scotland .15 minutes earlier,fiery reds,exuberant orange,schiaparelli pink,violet and golden glows had lit up the horizon and cities of clouds beyond.
In the time it took to find my phone disembark and cross the road with my luggage to take a memorable photo to share,this is the result!Ah well,a little more mellow and a lot of blue!
What's your best view today?
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Making Ends Meet (part 1)
This phrase has been around for quite a while historically,and there doesn't seem to be a clear answer on exactly where it originates from.But when people talk about trying to make ends meet,they want to make sure they have earned more than they have spent,and paid their dues.This suggests that they have the good sense to live within their means.And it suggests that the circle of trust may or may not be intact with the people they love,and with all those who are helping them succeed on the road of life.
The phrase speaks of integrity,or the intention of it,anyway.A willow hoop is a great example of this.It starts out as a slender and flexible branch on a willow tree,and is bent to form a circle,to create a dreamcatcher.This creates a circle of trust,and is a fine example of making ends meet.So,too is a wedding or engagement ring.The happy couple hope to always keep the circle of trust strong.The gifts of a watch,bracelet,earrings,necklace may also be seen as sacred circles within the hoop of life.And a drum is a fine example.
Every time we drink from a cup,we're nourishing ourselves within the circle of life (depending on what and how much we're drinking,of course!)So much in the natural world is round,and of course,our planet.So it stands to reason that it must be natural and easy to make ends meet.
We all have a tendency to overcomplicate our lives.But if we make our lives simpler, more loving and truthful,then we would strengthen our ability to" make ends meet" more often than not,I believe.
" All life is a circle"
Monday, 13 April 2015
A calm mind,emotions in balance,my body at ease and relaxed,and my spirit connected to the divine is how I would describe myself when meditating twice a day,every day.In other words,happy,relaxed, and loving my life.
However,yesterday,I read an article about meditation that I found quite troubling.It made me realise how lucky I am to have learnt TM.There's a lot of hype about meditation these days,and the choices on offer would be enough to make me feel stressed!
Forgive me if I sound like an advert ,but TM is absolutely effortless.It's a relief from all the stresses of daily life.You sit for 20 minutes in a comfortable place,close your eyes and silently say the word of wisdom you have been given.You can feel worry and stress dissolving there and then,and you reach a level of calm,sometimes bliss which is completely effortless.You don't "try" to do anything.All you have to do is to find the time to practise twice a day in a comfortable place.
The result is a natural unfolding of your day where ease and joy are present in every moment,and you are truly thankful for your life.For me,the hardest part is remembering to meditate regularly,but if you are connected to a group,then life becomes easy,joyful,effortless,and fun.

Monday, 6 April 2015
Safe Emotional Expression
A safe way to express bottled up emotions
This is a wonderfully effective practice from Ataana,especially when your work involves being with other people who are very stressed.Or when you are experiencing a difficult family situation,and don't know how to handle all the conflicting emotions.
All you need is the willingness to keep on practising it whenever you can.
Monday, 30 March 2015
Words that heal
A good friend once gave me advice that has proved itself many times over.
"A shower and fresh orange juice will cure almost anything."
What great advice have you been given which is true for you?
Monday, 23 March 2015
Spring to Life!
Cherry Blossom
It's official,spring is here!On the 21st,we celebrated the vernal equinox.
Everyone's happy about that,especially the participants in our Smile Lifestyle programme for overcoming the winter blues.
Each month has truly been a joy.And a new dawn beckons:-)
Do you focus on the beauty and joy in every season?
Monday, 16 March 2015
Healthy Choices
What is your first drink of the day?
I've been making a freshly juiced apple lemon ginger drink nearly every morning for some time now.But on travel days,it's sometimes not possible.So an easier way is to squeeze half a fresh lime into a glass of spring water,and then add a pinch of seasalt,preferably red Hawaiian,or rock salt such as pink Himalayan.
It's a wonderful healthy choice for the beginning of a new day.
To your good health!
Monday, 9 March 2015
Smile Lifestyle : Visions and Dreams
This month's focus for our Smile Lifestyle Programme is all about the visions and dreams we have for our lives.Use your mind,listen to your heart.That's an awesome team right there,for a start.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Believe in yourself
Some people know how vital it is to sustain self belief.Others need encouragement,and we could all do with a reminder now and again.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Love Your Life
Ok,so some days,you just want to pull the duvet over your head,snuggle down and lie low.I get that.I've been there,especially when it's cold and wet outside.But it doesn't feel good unless you're ill and you need some time out from the stress of daily life.
The good news is,your life doesn't have to feel bad.It's meant to be enjoyed,appreciated,celebrated whatever the circumstances.So I'm suggesting that whatever else is happening in your life,you do this one thing.Take a deep breath,and before you emerge from your cosy bed,declare triumphantly,with arms raised in victory salute " Today is going to be one of the best days of my life."Or words to that effect.
You can do this anywhere,at any time.But you have to remember to do it every day,when you wake up,for it to have a wonderful effect on your life.
Feeling good is our birthright.
You can do this anywhere,at any time.But you have to remember to do it every day,when you wake up,for it to have a wonderful effect on your life.
Feeling good is our birthright.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Keep Calm and Focus
What can I say about today's post?
There's a story here,so... more later,listen and enjoy now.
Which songs have shaped and inspired your life so far?
Monday, 9 February 2015
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Smile Lifestyle : Action
This month's focus for our Smile Lifestyle programme is movement.It really doesn't matter what kind of exercise .Life is a verb.So whatever you choose is fine as long as it gets you going.
If dancing feels too much,I have to ask "when did you stop dancing?"
And if so,the best time to start again is now.
Keep moving to the rhythm of life:-)
Monday, 2 February 2015
Why We Fly
This was my working world , for over 9 years of my life.
Flight is a privilege,a marvel,a triumph of the human spirit guided by the divine.
So I was saddened to learn that abuse from passengers towards cabin crew seems to be more frequent these days.Flight crew go through excellent and exacting training to enable people to travel safely around our beautiful world.And the key word here is SAFELY.
Respect heals our world
Monday, 26 January 2015
Natural Healers
Herbs and Spices
Heroic yet humble,they are our true natural healers.Herbs and spices are astounding in their medicinal benefits to mankind.Learn about the history of the spice trade,and you'll realise that anything worthwhile must have been worth fighting for.
When you include fresh herbs and spices in your daily diet,you are allowing your body to heal itself naturally.Watch a video of Jamie Oliver making dinner,and you'll understand what I'm talking about.He's really lavish with his herbs and spices,because he knows what he's doing.
It is said that if you leave them out,your bodily systems will gradually break down over time.But include them intelligently in your diet and your inner systems will be healed and toned and gradually nourished on a daily basis.Such is the medicinal power of herbs and spices.
Song fact:
Scarborough Fair was a huge event that took place from the 13th century in England every summer from mid August through to the end of September,and parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme were brought to the fair to be sold. The song itself was a folk tune sung by medieval bards,and people are still singing it to this day,thanks to the likes of Simon and Garfunkel:-)
Monday, 19 January 2015
Snow Wonder
Winter Delights
Snow! Transforming the landscape,bringing wonder to us all,making winter magical,making glad the heart of childhood!
I freely admit to dashing outside at the first sign of snow,just to enjoy the wonder of it.And yes,I'll make a snowman,throw snowballs,and look up to the sky to feel the first gentle snowflakes on my face.And then,go back inside to warm up with a comforting cup of hot chocolate.
How do you celebrate in the snow?
Monday, 12 January 2015
Juice Up Your Life
Here's To Your Good Health!
I've been juicing for a few years now,and I have to say it's a lifesaver.
I can't imagine my life without the wonderful healthy rituals of choosing the fresh fruit,veg,herbs and spices from nature's glorious bounty that will go into the juices and smoothies that make up our weekly menuplan.
If we've overindulged at any time,we can rebalance our bodies to their naturally healthy state by following the basic health plan,and incorporating juices and smoothies to revitalise,and boost our energy.
At the moment,my favourite is orange,spinach and basil.What's yours?
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Smile Lifestyle : Menuplanning
The basic health diet
This month's theme for our Smile Lifestyle programme is menu planning for excellent health.
Our children were raised to be healthy using this book as a guide,and I'm forever grateful to the contributors for giving me confidence to use complementary medicine when orthodox western medicine didn't always seem the right way to go.
When I was unwell recently with a cold,I realised that within a few days, I'd actually strayed far from the basic health diet included in this book.And so I'm back on track,saving time and money,by menu planning my way to excellent health with the basic health diet as the foundation.
Do you follow a basic healthy menu plan?
"Let food be your medicine"
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Happy New Year
Shine On!
As the light gradually returns,and the new year begins,we wish you all a very happy healthy prosperous and loving 2015.
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