Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Smile Lifestyle : Music

                                              Listen and Love

       This month's theme in our Smile Lifestyle programme is all about music.....the uplifting kind.
       What kind of music,which songs feed your soul?
If music be the food of love,play on

Monday, 1 December 2014

Enjoy the Sparkle

        If there's one thing I've noticed about myself and other people in the days leading up to Christmas,it's not the smiling happy faces so much as the stress!
Why am I more joyful this year? Good question :-)

Keep calm and enjoy the sparkle

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Being Thankful

Counting your blessings is a wonderful way to begin and end every day.
The more you do it,the more thankful,happy and appreciative you become.



Monday, 17 November 2014

Remembering Respect


The dictionary definition of concord is " n.agreement and harmony between people and nations".If ever I need to feel reassured that there are decent people still living in the world expressing wonderful human values and higher qualities,I listen to this 11 year old recording from the flightdeck of Concorde,taking off from JFK.And I feel better,knowing that this kind of respectful rapport exists in the world of aviation,worldwide,today and every day.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Smile Lifestyle : Warmth


       Warmth is the theme for this month of our Smile Lifestyle Programme. Those that are taking part are enjoying finding the many different ways to keep clean and warm,as the weather changes.
       Our bodies are miracles of nature,created to keep our systems at the exact temperature to keep our immune systems strong so that we stay healthy.It's common sense that if our body temperature drops,we start shivering to alert us to the fact that we're feeling too cold to maintain our good health.It's our danger signal! Keeping a strong "core" is vital to our well being.

 For an excellent practice to keep your core strong and balanced in any season here is Kalia Kelmenson's wonderful video on how it's done.This exercise session is particularly helpful to get you through the autumn and winter months with more ease, grace and warmth (indoors obviously).Go visit her site at for inspiring ways to boost your energy levels and live a healthy lifestyle all year round.


Monday, 3 November 2014

A Good Night's Sleep (part I)

           Getting a  good night's sleep may be easier than you think.And sometimes all you need is a cup of warm milk and half a teaspoon of vanilla essence 10 minutes before you want to go to sleep.If you prefer grain milk (in the form of oats,rice or soya,)or nut milk,(as in almond,coconut,hazelnut,cashew,)drink that instead of animal milk (like cow's or goat's.) Milk is relaxing and comforting.And vanilla is sedative,and promotes dream recall.
       A few drops of pure organic essential oil of lavender sprinkled on a tissue or dabbed on your wrists, will also help you relax and sleep deeply and have sweet dreams.
       You'll wake up feeling far more refreshed!

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Smile Lifestyle :Light

        "Smile Lifestyle" is a 6 month programme to overcome  the winter blues and rediscover our joy, every day in every season come what may.
       We are born to be happy,to celebrate life and to enjoy its gifts.Let no one tell you otherwise.
       This month,those in our pilot programme have been discovering how essential it is to bring light into our eyes and into our being,by going outdoors and into nature as much as possible in the daylight hours. And to prepare for the darker days ahead,we've been investing in lightboxes to keep our moods balanced.
       Every month,we are focussing on ways to improve our mental emotional physical and spiritual lives,and gradually incorporating these aspects into our lifestyles to keep upbeat and joyful on a sustainable basis.
       October has been about natural light:sunlight,moon and stars,and  looking for that light as much as possible reflected in our environment and in nature.I've already bought my twinkling Christmas lights,I'm so excited!
       Look out for next month's theme,and keep smiling :-)

Monday, 27 October 2014

World Peace (begins within)

                    World Travel promotes Peace Tolerance and Understanding

       Something I'm immensely proud of is being part of the civil aviation industry.And it is just that...civilised,allowing us to travel the world and discover  countless delights.
       Of course,civil aviation couldn't exist without defence aviation,and that's something I've learnt with time.And I respect and honour these warriors of the skies.They are brave skilful courageous souls who go about their business of keeping us all safe in a free world,with a wonderful blend of service and pride,courage and clarity.
       Huge respect to these brave warriors of the soul

There is a SaveConcorde facebook page,for anyone who would love to see Concorde flying again

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Prosperity in a pine tree

Evergreens are wonderful teachers of the sustainability of life.Unlike deciduous trees,they keep their greenery all year round.And green is the colour of health and wealth,healing the heart from a world of woes.
       Pine trees especially,are all about joy,and celebration of life.They transform guilt into appreciation,introducing you to a world of wonders.
       If you live in the city,find your nearest evergreen,preferably pine in a park,arboretum,or botanical garden and connect to the strongest looking one,or one that you feel pulled towards.Evergreens are awesome teachers.
       We always have enough,so if you ever feel deprived,go establish some respectful rapport with a pine tree,open your mind and senses to the evergreen wisdom on offer,and give thanks.
We're here to celebrate life and enjoy ourselves

Friday, 10 October 2014

In Nature's Pharmacy: part one

     In our forests,on mountains,grasslands,bushlands,coasts,gardens,even scrub and weeds (the great survivors),we are given cures for every disease on earth.
    We are given the opportunity,every moment, to transform the fear of all disease into love and appreciation for nature's miraculous gifts.I say this because it is fear that lowers the immune system,and people panic when fear is spread through the media,and that perpetuates dis-ease.Fearful people are neither confident nor healthy.So where is the love,the reassurance that all is well?
       The love and reassurance comes from all that has been created in nature,free for us to use.Yes,free.Mother earth's pharmacy.Whether nature's bounty is honoured and respected with sacred ceremony,or whether it is plundered and exploited mercilessly is up to us.We are given freewill to choose.But is good to be reminded that there are always consequences for our actions.
       I truly appreciate the advances in modern medicine,as do countless others in the world,that allow us to live free from disease.However when the media spreads fear of the next epidemic,I always turn to essential oils and make sure my diet and lifestyle is healthy, to boost my immune system.During the 17th century ,it was found that the only people who were kept immune from the plague,were perfumiers,and people who made hats and gloves;all of them worked with essential oils in their trade.
      It was proved scientifically in the last century what tribal and indigenous medicine men and women have known for thousands of years.Nature's bounty provides everything we need to heal,in the form of plants and minerals,fresh air,sunshine,and our life giving waters.When one drop of essential oil was added to a petri dish of viruses/bacteria etc the essential  oil killed them off rapidly there and then.I'm certainly not going to wait ten years for scientists to discover a vaccine for every disease.I'm going to trust that indigenous knowledge Both types of medicine are necessary in this 21st century.
       So which essential oils destroy viruses?Here are some: cinnamon,clove,eucalyptus,lavender,oregano.thyme,ti-tree,sandalwood. The everyday kitchen essentials of onion and garlic are 2 humble bulbs that are miraculous,yet often overlooked as a vital source of medicine. Also, the trio of chilli garlic and ginger used in many recipes help to keep the immune system strong and healthy.
       So,I hope this has inspired you to discover a world of possibilities for excellent health.This is just the beginning,online and offline...go explore!     
* Seek advice from an aromatherapist before using essential oils
* Not everything in nature is safe. Some are very dangerous. Know the difference.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Sacred Hoop of Relationship

I am who I am
       "Please forgive me for sometimes not being the way you want me to be"

       These statements and the feeling they communicate (acceptance and compassion) are a very powerful way to defuse any argument or misunderstanding in normal everyday life.
       As aircrew,it's obvious we are (or have been) in the aviation business for everyone's safety and wellbeing.And people understand that.We're there to help people feel safe,comfortable,and treated with care and respect until they reach their desired destinations.And we're rewarded for that financially and in many other ways.We're paid to honour and respect people of all nations,creeds and colours.How wonderful is that?!
       However,it's useful to remember that many people in life are paid to treat others badly.They've had training of a very different kind in their working world,and they are even paid to be downright rude and aggressive.
       As aircrew,we  develop a pretty good sense of discernment around people;about who we can trust,and who we need to be extra careful around.And the way we treat everyone around us in daily life reflects that trust.And most people respond positively to that.
       So if you're in a situation in daily life that's not going so well,the above statement is a kind and compassionate way to keep the peace.Either that,or walk away.

Mitakuye Oyasin
We are all related
Cherish Yourself,Cherish others 

Monday, 29 September 2014

Look All Around

                                                I can see clearly now

       This song means so much to me.It is sacred and holy optimism at its finest.
Never mind that I met the man back in the day.Or that it heralded the beginning of an airborne era for myself and my friends and family.This song elevates anyone who truly listens to it,out of the depths of darkness and into the sunlight.Oh yeah.

Which songs inspire optimism in you?

Monday, 22 September 2014

Cherish Yourself

                                              A Cup O' Kindness

       This has been a momentous time for the people of Scotland and the United Kingdom this last week.We're all trying to recover from the effects of the Referendum.It was passionate,tumultuous,divisive yet unifying.So much so, that I have no words for now,other than something that the Dalai Lama quietly urges us to do as much and as often as possible.
       "Cherish yourself,cherish others."

We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for the sake of Auld Lang Syne

Monday, 15 September 2014

What is Dendrotherapy?

                                                    Beech Elder

       Dendrotherapy is the art of healing with the energy of trees.Many cultures in the world practise this,but in the Western world it got bad press as hippy treehugging nonsense.
       Now I'm definitely for hugging people,given the choice.However,as a way to transform and boost energy in a natural way,and to heal from many ills of the modern world,trees are definitely one of my go- to remedies.And we're not talking hugging here,because some of them are gigantic elders of the tree community,and you couldn't possibly put your arms around them!There is good reason why they are known as Standing People in some indigenous cultures.
        Not all trees are healing trees and you have to discern that,and know your choices.The one in the photo above is an ancient beech.To gain perspective,the indentation you can see just to the right of centre,a third of the way up the base of the trunk,is where I can sit comfortably with my feet on the ground!
       Beech is definitely a healer,and if you know anything about Bach Flower Essences, you'll know that beech transforms the habit of criticism and intolerance.When I'm under the canopy of this mighty being,it's reminding me not just to tolerate, but to praise,appreciate,be thankful for the countless blessings in life.

Trees are the lungs of our planet

If you are interested in dendrotherapy and would like to know more,please email me at the address in the contact area of this blog.Or if you'd like weekly updates of this blog,put your email address in the "follow by email" above right.Thanks! 

Monday, 8 September 2014

A Good Night's Sleep

It  must be my African roots,because I love this song,and it always makes me  feel happy when I hear it!
       I'm a firm believer that if you sleep well every night then the next day is a lot easier.And I also believe that we sleep so that our bodies can heal,and we can make sense of our lives,and life.Look out for upcoming posts on how to sleep well so you can breeze through the daylight hours,come what may!

Monday, 1 September 2014

Roots and Wings

       Today I woke up feeling "less than....".I can't describe it any other way.But I decided to try and figure out what was going on.After some soulsearching,I realised I was feeling nostalgic.And it felt good to identify the feeling.
       I decided to lean into the feeling for a while,and played some music tracks that I grew up with,that shaped me as a youngster in my teens and twenties.It's what I needed to hear because those songs helped me grow my wings that helped me soar into a brighter future.They were collective wings in those times,when I flew with the flock and we soared like a murmur of starlings rising and falling together in a cloudless sky.
      And then thankfully, I found the grandfather wisdom I was looking for,which I'm sharing here.

Rediscover your roots and replenish your well


Monday, 25 August 2014

Light up your life

    In the last week of August,and the September days leading up to the autumn equinox on the 21st,we're enjoying the warm days and cooler evenings of summer.And preparing for the seasons ahead.
     For those who are spring and summer people,and find the colder days and longer nights challenging to get through,I'm suggesting we consciously decide to spend more time outdoors every day,whatever the weather.So that it becomes easier to appreciate the gradual changes in our beautiful natural world.
     And most importantly,to keep the light coming into our eyes and lighting up our lives.
     A moment after publishing this post and tweeting "catch the sparkle",I took my own advice and went out into the sunshine.In the twinkle of an eye,a dragonfly flew towards me and landed right next to me on the steps,its wings shimmering and shining,the colours iridescent in the warm sun.Wonders never cease:-)  


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Life,love and dealing with sucky stuff

Nobody likes to lose someone or something they love.It really sucks.I t feels horrible.You get pulled into that awful feeling that you've experienced before,more times than you care to remember.It's primal and it feels totally icky.
But here's the thing.It's part of life and love.It's the dance.The dance of life and love, where the shadow is created by the sunlight,moonlight and stars.You can't have one without the other.So when you experience huge loss,you're experiencing the shadow.
So you know what?let yourself cry,howl if you need to,allow yourself to feel all the emotions that belong in the shadows.Give yourself permission to let them out safely,experience them,like a stormy night of the soul.From an early age,we're taught to stuff down our sadness,our anger,our fear.Give yourself that gift of feeling your grief.Storms pass through and clear out the negativity.Know that the sun is always shining,but you have to seek it out and turn your face up to it.
To me,warmth and sunshine and clarity feel better,and that's what I prefer to experience more often,given a choice.We have all been gifted with freewill and the freedom to choose what we experience from moment to moment.So today,we may not choose to experience loss,but we can make a conscious choice to be gentle with ourselves and be kind to each other in every waking moment.And to make healthier choices that will help us feel good,and feel the sunshine in our lives instead of living in the shadows.
        Yesterday,we lost a part of our heart.Animals are like that.They are so close to our hearts and such a comfort that when they leave ,it tears us apart and leaves what feels like an abyss.So yesterday we wept.All day,most of the night.Separately and together.Today?I'm going to make a conscious decision to honour the people and creaturebeings that share and have shared their lives with us and given us so much unconditional love.How?By feeling good.As much as humanly possible.Today it's sunshine and showers.
Thank you Wobbles for all the love.Purrfection.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Tropical Treats

     Enjoy a taste of the tropics with papaya and fresh lime as a starter for breakfast.But keep the peel in the fridge for a facial treat later in the day!The natural enzymes of this luscious fruit  are a rich source of antioxidants.Use it as an exfoliant to remove old skin cells and revitalise your face.
     Avoiding the eye area,gently smoothe the inside of the papaya peel over your face and neck for a few minutes,enjoying the cool sensation and the fruity scent.Rinse off with water,apply a hot flannel to your face,then splash with cool water again.Pat dry and moisturise with pure coconut oil.Remove excess oil from face with a clean tissue.
     How does that feel?

Friday, 8 August 2014

Summer Celebrations

   21 years ago,on June 21,we set off on an epic journey to the heart of the United States.We were fortunate indeed to be in the right place at the right time for this Powwow.But all powwows are special.Every summer,without fail,I feel the urge to return.
      Heartfelt gratitude and respect to everyone who made our journey and the experiences possible.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


       "Inspiring Confidence" are 2 words that are good to think about.
Inspiring literally means breathing good fresh clean air into our being (and back out of course).
       And confidence means with faith and trust.
       Chloe Goodchild is a devotional singer whose voice workshop I attended a while back.Her teachings are inspirational,and she said something that I found incredibly intriguing at the time.
       "Who is breathing you?"

With confidence,we
rise like the sun and shine through our days

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Dance Into Your Day

Our feet take us through life,so they deserve the best treatment.Here's a fabulous foot soak that will revitalise them and help you feel nourished.

You will need:
Seasalt or rocksalt: 2 handfuls
Grapefruit: fresh curls of peel
Essential oils of grapefruit and lavender: 5 drops of each
Pure coconut oil

Fill a basin with handhot water
Add the salt and grapefruit
Swish the oils into the water
Soak feet for 10 minutes
Dry with clean towels,and massage with coconut oil.

And here's one for the men....

You will need:
2 handfuls seasalt or rocksalt
1lime cut into quarters
5 crushed fresh cardamom seeds
Essential oils of black pepper lime and cardamom:3 drops of each
Pure coconut oil

Fill a basin with handhot water
Add the salt and lime (squeeze the juice into the water,too)and cardamom seeds
Swish the oils into the water
Soak feet for 10 minutes
Dry feet with clean towels
Massage with coconut oil

The salt cleanses,citrus refreshes,lavender relaxes,cardamom revitalises,black pepper stimulates,coconut nourishes.And nature nurtures.

Sprinkling 2 or 3 drops of grapefruit oil in the shower to enliven your senses,first thing in the morning,is one of the best ways to dance into your day.There's a good reason that grapefruit is named "citrus paradisi". Enjoy!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Like a Virgin...

     Why a virgin Pina Colada recipe? Because this place is a sanctuary of the soul,an oasis,and we're going to focus on the solutions,rather than the problem.
     There's a scenario that keeps coming up because of the society we live in.Whether you're a child,teen,or adult,the issue of alcohol appears and it's difficult to avoid.But actually the whole issue can be simplified.
     Alcohol is, in fact,toxic.There,I've said it.And people who are addicted to it keep on poisoning themselves and other people for whatever reasons they have,usually subconsciously.It also creates an acid condition in the body where disease thrives.Which is why our society has not been a particularly good model for excellent health.
        And it's why people sometimes feel hopeless and helpless to change,facing enormous peer pressure.And so I'm recommending (juicemaster)Jason Vale's book Kick the Drink Easily,for anyone who would like to moderate or quit their alcohol intake for health reasons.Having said that,I've been as guilty as anyone else for overindulging sometimes!Before I go any further,I'm going to get off my soap box and share a recipe.
     I believe it was in Cuba that a bartender invented the Pina Colada cocktail because he was so concerned about his customers drinking habits.He could see how their health was deteriorating due to the amount of rum they were drinking on a regular basis.
     He was obviously a compassionate soul,and being a local man (probably with a wife) who knew the value of natural produce,he came up with his own healing solution.He knew they weren't going to stop drinking the rum,but he also knew that fresh pineapple heals the liver and fresh coconut milk is one of the most nourishing drinks on earth.And thus he created the Pina Colada for its health benefits.Damage limitation.What a wonderful man.
     Now I'm all for free will and living a life of choice and freedom.But how free and clear do we really feel on a daily basis? If you know anyone who would benefit from discovering how to reclaim their joy and clarity through transforming bad habits into healthy choices,by all means contact me.I'm happy to help.Meanwhile,I'm sharing a summer

recipe for filling up your cup with delicious nutrition!

                                        Virgin Pina Colada

1 large cup of fresh pineapple chunks
1 cup coconut water
1cup coconut milk
1fresh lime

Blend the pineapple chunks with coconut milk,and then add the coconut water.Pour into a jug with ice.Keeping 2 slices aside,add fresh lime juice and stir.
Pour into 2 glasses,garnish with the lime slices,and share with a friend!This drink is so refreshing and nourishing.
      If you would like a drink with more sustenance,blend a banana in with the other ingredients.Enjoy!

Thanks to Madonna,Sir Richard Branson,and First Nations in USA for inspiration and wisdom.And always,huge thanks to my family.
And yes,I know...that's not a picture of a virgin pina colada,it's an orange and basil vitamin water.And also,who can resist a cat photo or 2?Not me:-)

Monday, 14 July 2014

If music be the food of love,play on...


     Aviation and aircrew sanctuaries would be impossible without musicians.
And I believe sanctity of the human soul is not possible without music.It elevates us.Takes us higher.Helps our spirits soar.
     Aircrew and musicians complement each other, and are necessary for each other.How else could rock and roll have reached people across the world,back in the day,except by flying?And how else could musicians continue to do so?
I wonder which composers and what music the pioneering aviators listened to,that inspired them skywards?
     How divine can we be as human beings?
     To rise early,see and feel the sunrise,watch the flight of birds and listen to the magic of the dawn chorus...that's a sacred act.But it can be a solitary one.
     There is a saying..."If you can talk,then sing! If you can walk,then dance!"
     And I believe,if you can play music,sing and dance,then you're really flying!
     And connecting with people across our beautiful planet. 

For most people the sky's the limit...for those who love aviation the sky is home~Airline captain

If music be the food of love,play on~Shakespeare

Monday, 7 July 2014

Welcome to the Big Five!

       Okay,the honey and root ginger are not so obviously identified here,but the lemon,garlic and chillies are!These are my top 5 kitchen ingredients that are always at hand,and as fresh as possible.Why? Because this recipe is so effective at keeping us healthy and free of colds,flu and infections. It's a powerhouse of natural medicine that is easily available and affordable,anytime of year!
       It comes from South America,and I thank them for it many times over whenever we need a boost to our immune systems.

For 2 people you will need:
2 fresh lemons (whole)
3 cloves garlic (peeled)
5cms root ginger (peeled)
1 medium/mild chilli (deseeded)
1 tbsp runny honey (or to taste)

Juice the first 4 ingredients,pour into 2 cups and top up with boiling water.Then stir in the honey.
Sip slowly,wrap up warmly and go to bed.Repeat the following day if necessary.

       If you haven't got a juicer,it's very easy to make this drink with a knife,grater/garlic press and lemon squeezer.
And remember to wash your hands after touching chillies,as they can be hot on delicate skin.'s to your good health!

Let food be your medicine,and medicine be your food~ Hippocrates

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice.Always see a qualified doctor or healer if  you are unwell.Do not use this recipe on young children.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Born Free

                                                What price freedom?

       Independence is a hot topic,individually,in communities,and in nations.
Like it or not,our ancestors fought for the freedoms we now have.Are we thankful,and do we count our blessings?Do we celebrate the freedoms we have,or do we take them for granted?
      The shadow side of independence is codependence.I'm suggesting interdependence as a happy medium.We're all in this world together.It's the 21st century.Let's all be interdependent together,celebrating life on our wonderful planet.
       Happy Interdependence to all of us!

The whole world moves in an auspicious rhythm of innocence and harmony,naturally free and knowing no bounds.


Monday, 23 June 2014

Energy in Your Hands

      This is so handy for those times when you feel tired and need to re-energise.This practice nourishes and stimulates the whole of your body,not just the ears.And all it takes is a few minutes.
       So wherever you are,you can do this discreetly without attracting too much attention!And it's a great way to feel better almost immediately.


Saturday, 21 June 2014

Summer Solstice Celebrations

       On Midsummers Day,20 years ago,we made an epic journey to the heart of what is now known as America.
       There are some experiences that cannot and should not be put into words,for they are quite simply,sublime.
       But sacred songs and beautiful music can help share some of that wonder and love and joy that we experienced.
       Wishing you a wonderful summer,filled with joy:-)

Mitakuye Oyasin   We Are All Related

Monday, 16 June 2014

Barefoot Bliss

      Other than just padding around barefoot on a sunny day,the last time I consciously decided to do that for an extended length of time was when I took part in a charity walk to raise funds to help conserve whales and dolphins.
       I can't remember how long the walks were...7 or 8miles and then 10,I think,in 2 consecutive years.But I do remember the feeling. On the first walk,I pushed my toddler son in his buggy for the entire time and it felt fantastic.Yes it was sometimes painful, as walking on gravelly tarmac on roads isn't easy.And yes I stepped on thistles and nettles when my attention lapsed,but all in all,I loved every moment.
       Along the way,my fellow walkers asked me "why",probably thinking I was a little crazy.But our feet are designed to walk on our wonderful planet,and maybe in our efforts to look civilised,we have forgotten that simple truth.
       My desire to know how it feels to walk gently on the earth,transformed into rediscovering childhood joy.When was the last time you freed your feet?
       Does anyone know whose quote this is?Because it's so true....
       Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet
       And the winds long to play with your hair
(Always be safe when going barefoot)

Monday, 9 June 2014

Overcoming Jetlag part 1

       How do you "get back to yourself" when you've been travelling at high speed?You can suffer from autolag and trainlag as much as anyone who chooses aviation for a mode of transport.It's just that jetlag sounds more glamorous!
       Back in the day,when I returned from a trip,I would stare out of the window and twirl a wisp of hair around my index finger for God knows how long,before I felt ready to get back to the present moment.Not the best solution,but it served me at the time!And then I would make my way to the local spa to revitalise.
       Since then,I've learnt a lot more about elemental balance.Think about it.Travelling at high speed these days involves the elements of metal/space,air,and fire in order to propel.And these are very much male/masculine by nature.So to offset the effects of these elements,it's best to balance them with the more feminine/female ones of water and earth.
        So if you're experiencing the familiar effects of burnout,exhaustion and displacement after travelling,the very best thing to do is to take a shower/bath at each end of your day until you feel like yourself again.Preferably using aromatherapy.And to rehydrate with plenty of spring water,fresh juices and herb teas.
        One steward I know would swim at least 20 lengths of his local swimming pool as soon as he got home.Another plays fast and furious racquetball followed by a shower.As well as taking showers and baths,I walk barefoot whenever I need to feel grounded.My daughter goes running and horseriding,and my son plays football.
       I've learnt from past experience that drinking alcohol/firewater on the same day or 2 after returning to base is a real no-no when it comes to overcoming jetlag.Or travellag of any kind.It's never a good idea to fight fire energy with fire.
       So after travelling,I've found the very best way to get back to myself is to get my selfcare systems in place,and be mindful of balancing the elements!
       How about you?

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Inspiring Confidence

                                            La Rose et le Jasmine

       I absolutely love jasmine,and this is the best time of year to appreciate the beautiful white scented blossoms and abundant yet delicate green foliage.
       The essential oil is said to inspire feelings of confidence,and is used in many perfumes of good quality.
 This song, which I love, stayed with me throughout my career "with the world's favourite airline" and is known as the Flower Duet.The two flowers are rose and jasmine,which makes so much scents to me!Enjoy them whenever you can:-)

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Away from apathy and onto a path with heart....

       Energy can be elusive at times.Everyone feels apathetic now and again,and it has its roots way back.But what if you have "everything" you need,yet you still feel unmotivated and powerless most of the time?Where the only support you can count on is your bed?!
       Teenagers know this feeling well when they're still living at home,but are more than ready to fly the nest.And you know it when you're resisting making the changes you need to make in the transition stages of your life.Or when you want to really feel alive and excited about life,but feel the opposite.
       Chances are,you've been living in your head too much ...(Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy...thanks Eagles).Or there's a battle of wills going on with the significant others in your life,at work or at home.(I've got a Life....thanks Annie Lennox)Or you're plain exhausted from working so hard and not playing enough.(9 to 5...thanks Dolly Parton).
       All is not lost,because there's a practice you can count on.And the more you do it,the better you feel.And you can do it any time,anywhere.And it costs nothing.It's free.Like the gifts of nature,and the air we breathe.And it's so simple,and easy to do.Are you ready?
       Put one or both hands on your heart.Breathe a sigh of relief.Feel the rhythm of your breath for a few moments.Ask yourself...What does my heart want for me right now?In this moment?Listen for the answers.Often.Every day.Keep asking and keep listening.Love is there,and here,and everywhere.All the time.Listen to the beat of your own heart,and you're connected.Connected to yourself,connected to others,connected to the rhythmic heartbeat of our wonderful planet.Trust this.
       It all begins with you,and love,and a path with heart.

Hope springs eternal in the human breast

Monday, 12 May 2014

A flying start to every day

       How do you begin your day?When the sun rises in the east,are you already up and about,eager and ready to enjoy yourself and seize the day?
       Or if you're a shiftworker,and your hours don''t allow you to wake up with the lark,how do you wake up and get the most out of every 24 hours?
       I'm not saying it's easy,because you have to remember to do it.And sometimes that can be a real challenge.But it's simple,and it really is the only way to love and honour yourself and those around you.
       Since I became consciously aware of this,I've been practising this every time I wake up.And it's made a huge difference to how the day goes for me.If I forget,I soon know about it.
       And your mindchatter can be really tricky as you're surfacing from slumberland.So do you want to take charge of your life,carpe diem and enjoy it for the  treasure it is?Or do you want to drift/slam into your day,and be taken by life by the scruff of your neck?Do you want to be the creator or the reactor?Your choice.
       My flying start to the day begins with an intention to simply have a wonderful day in whatever ways are possible,and give thanks for that.
And this paints my day with glorious colours.
       What's your flying start to the day?

Friday, 2 May 2014

Nature's recipes

You know those times and those days?

 When you know you should do whatever it is you need to do,but you find it hard to muster up the energy?Me too.I sat down to write this,and found I had caught the "I can't be bothered bug".I've been afflicted with this many times in the past,but now?I have a long list of coping strategies to zap it into oblivion.Today I'm juicing it away with an apple lemon ginger shot.Zap zap zap!
       How did I reach this decision?Well,I sat down to write, feeling like I was in reactive mode,which is no good for the creative act of blogging.Then I realised blogging is very like're sharing something which hopefully inspires others.Which got me to thinking about teachers,and at that point I could visualise someone giving me an apple (for the teacher) in my mind's eye!
       So off I went to make myself a fresh apple lemon ginger juice,and I'm feeling a whole lot better,inspired even.Such is the power of juicing fresh fruit and veg!And yes,I know,these are not apples.They're limes,and cardamoms.But that's ok.Thought you'd like the picture:-)

Monday, 14 April 2014

Faith in Nature

       Time and again we hear about our world experiencing a honey bee crisis.Whatever the causes,whether it's pesticide overuse,GMO crops,varroa mite infestation or anything else,they all seemed to be caused by human interference of the misguidedly destructive kind .If your land is being visited by honeybees,consider yourself very fortunate.Bumblebees are hardy and selfemployed,and do much in the way of pollination,but the balance in nature is restored when the honeybee nation is thriving.
       2 years ago,I was listening to the usual debate,with experts putting forward their views that if the honeybee did not survive the onslaught of human interference in nature, then we were sure to follow.And that's a pretty depressing forecast.So with heavy heart,and seeing only bumblebees (working far harder than they probably should)I set off for a long walk on one of the warmer days of late spring.
       I had spent most of the winter indoors,as many people do.And when that happens,there's a disconnect with nature,which can impact your health emotionally,mentally,spiritually and physically.Certainly that day,I needed a long walk in the fresh air for the reconnect.
       Nature was coming back to life all around me... a cloudless blue sky,birds singing and greenery unfurling everywhere I looked... I was feeling better with every step.I had walked quite far away from human habitation;no houses in sight,just the hills and woodland,and the company of deer.And then I heard something.It was a wonderful sound,subtle at first,almost inaudible,but right there at the edge of my awareness.I followed the sound,and yet it drew me on towards the source without any effort on my part.It was the buzzing of bees!Many bees!Honey bees! And then as I walked towards the sound of many buzzing honey
bees,I could see little dots whizzing back and forth through the air to and from the base of a tree at the edge of the woodland.I can't describe how I felt at that moment,except writing this is bringing back the feelings.Hope,relief,excitement,elation,optimism,triumph even!
           I sat a few feet away from this wonderful wild and healthy hive for as long as the sunshine kept me warm,enjoying the experience,and watching them going about their business.....hugely vital business for such tiny creatures.
           I remember thinking,if there's one hive here,there will be more,many more that people don't know about simply because these bees are living their tiny busy lives naturally,without human interference,within the intelligent and divine ecosystems of nature.And this gave me such a buzz :-)

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

It's Been A While...

       Blogging is a little like a have to keep doing it to build blogging muscles.So here I am,not having posted anything for a long time,and feeling the consequences.All I can say to anyone else who has done (or not done)the same,is "Jump right in where you are!"

  And here are some beautiful blooms to say welcome back to my blogging world.